Diuretic - Zero Days Without Incident (SM053)

Diuretic - Zero Days Without Incident (SM053) 7"

Diuretic is taking Grindcore to a new level, with unapologetic grit and tongue-in-cheek gore. This Philly four-piece combines an aural attack with dark humor in a quick and dirty package.

Inspired by classic influences along the lines of Napalm Death and Terrorizer, Diuretic takes on the flavors of Grindcore that are driving and melodic, with fun riffs to headbang to that filter through the “noise”. Vocalist Alyssa ventures into her first heavy band with Diuretic, taking the creative freedom of lyrics and expressively heavy vocals. Guitarist Alex is rooted in the Grind sound, with origins in Punk, and a grasp on the accessible ethos of the genre, residing in the philosophy that if Punk is characterized by speed, Grind is its greatest exaggeration.

Drummer Pete and Bassist Rose had previously played together in Cavemen (formerly Insane Earth). Rose is an accomplished musician and music educator, known as the guitarist in Sir Babygirl, and always equipped with the energy (plus an extra-long cable) to jump into the pit while playing live. Pete is a lifelong musician, affectionately nicknamed “Twisted” Pete, as the mild-mannered metalhead who listens to the unlistenable.

From writing and recording, to the style of their releases, Diuretic has always kept it DIY. On their latest EP, once the riffs began to flow, the idea of a workplace incident-themed album came up, and the band ran with it and never turned back. The result is Zero Days Without Incident, an absurd theme that rips hard. The band speaks to Grindcore’s dedicated fanbase, while also grasping those who are not fans of the genre, with intent to show them something they’ve missed in this niche, drawing them in to enjoy the music and the dark humor. Said humor comes about in the making of Diuretic as a fun, collaborative effort, where the band feels they can lose the “tough guy” attitude even while playing “tough guy” music.

High-speed tracks, the unique energy of Alyssa’s vocals standing out in a maledominated genre, and the ripping Grindcore sound of Diuretic all give a punch-to-the face impact you won’t soon forget.

Diuretic is:
Alyssa Rorke - Vocals
Alex Chips - Guitar
Rose O’Malley - Bass
Pete - Drums

Recorded at Artifact Audio
Cover art Izzy Maturana
Insert art John Busott
